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Overall this was sort of a challenging project. I have never had to convert an essay to a website and also consider the many factors when it comes to website design. The purpose of this remediation was to change my essay into a website. So starting with the composition of my website includes simple design, there aren’t any subpages or any external links because I didn’t see the need to use them. It is mainly made up of pictures and videos about my topic. This is a very user friendly website, my friends who were my testers had no problem navigating throughout the website. My primary audience which will be my classmates all speak English, so I didn’t use any other languages or include translations. My design for each page is simple, the colors include black and white, and each page has the same format just to make things simple for my audience. I included videos in my website for the people who want further information than the small amount I gave. The reasoning for that is to not bore my audience, I wanted to get to the point. Most sources I used were from my essay, some sources I got from other websites and also all the images I used were not from my essay. I couldn’t include a lot of my essay so that's why I went with my simple format. I broke down the important parts of my essay into chunks and implemented them to my website. Back to my main audience, as stated before it is my classmates and the purpose of my website is to show them that war is an awful thing and it makes people suffer around the world.
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